interaction design

I have always had an interest in making computers more usable in two key ways: making software as efficient as possible for regular users and removing unnecessary barriers to learning computers. Since I also have an background in music, I have focused on sound as an interactive medium, and the possibilities sound can provide for enhancing usability.

Interaction Design Examples

YoYo Berimbau
YoYo Berimbau is a robot built by Amorphic Robot Works. I was developing methods of using computers to interact with humans in abstract ways using sound. Using the software I developed, I made this robot listen to rhythms that people make, then imitate and expand on them.
3Com Ergo Audrey
Audrey was a high-end internet appliance, much like a Palm Pilot for the home. I did all of the sound design for the device. Since it had a touchscreen interface, I had the opportunity to make a coherent scheme for all of the button sounds, so that they would communicate more than just a click.

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